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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nature's Colors

Nature's colors in Costa Rica are amazing. This was taken in the rain forrest and the contrast of the natural colors has always made this photo one of my favorites...especially for an amateur photographer!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vegas Nights

Nothing is more beautiful than Vegas in the Spring. I would suggest everyone go there at least ONCE in their life. Gena, thank you for my 50th birthday present of Vegas :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Here in the South is potato planting time. If you have only seen potatoes in a bag I encourage you all to visit some places in the South where planting time has started. We planted these last weekend and I wanted a photo of them before they were covered. I will update to show when they come up.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Charmed Life

The Good Lord knows that both of us do not like housework. First, we both work and have other committments with sick or elderly family members that we have to attend to on our days and nights off...so our homes suffer....Sherry's moreso than Gena because Gena is still in that new home stage and does pretty good...Sherry is burned out and usually ends up doing only the necessary items.
My Charmed Life has a giveaway with a GREAT book scheduled to be released in early March but you can win a copy. Anything that can help motivate me to clean I LOVE!!!

Feb 19 Spring Pic--Costa Rica

Since we are in the low-20's in Alabama today I thought I would post a warmer photo. Gena took this in Costa Rica...Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Congrats to Cathy Wilcox

She has won $15.00 of Doctor Scholl's products. Cathy I have emailed you for your address. Thanks so much for being a follower!!

Sherry and Gena :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Heart attacks affect almost every family and a large percentage of women. Go to the above site to learn more about heart attacks and register for a crystal reproduction of Heidi Klum's Red Dress Pin. They are beautiful!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

topsy Turvey Tomato Planter

I am sure many of you have seen the advertisements for the upside down 'hanging basket' style tomato planters. Well, Gena -knowing how much her uncle and grandfather love gardening- thought this was would a great Christmas present for both of them. Please remember these are seasoned farmers that have been gardening for well over 60 years. Both were extremely excited to receive these thinking they could walk outside on their patio and pick tomatoes for dinner....WRONG. First they went and bought a mid-size plant to use in the planter...after planting it was treating with tender loving care for weeks...the results----both men's plants shriveled up and died within a month. Thinking they had possibly made a mistake when planting they emptied the planters and tried a second time and guess what? Dead Plants within a month. I personally know instructions were followed to a tee and these plants were looked after like new-born babies but the results were horrible. Our family loves gardening in all forms but everyone PLEASE be aware of this product because it basically does not work. Do not waste your money!!!

The Love of My Life

Its almost Valentine's Day so I would like to give new couples some inspiration. I have been married 28 years in a week. The first years were hard..extremely hard since we were both hard-headed and really did not know much about 'being married'. To make a long story short..today my husband is my best friend and confidante. I love him more as each day passes and can't begin to imagine like without him. He is not only my husband but I feel he is as much a part of me as my arms or legs. If there was one thing I would have changed about my married life it would be 'nothing'...I love this man more with each passing day if that is possible.

I love you Greg!!

Fireproof DVD Plus Bonuses


Go to the above link to enter to win the dvd Fireproof and Fireproof bonuses such as the love Dare book. This would be the best Valentine's Gift for anyone!! Go Now..contest ends soon!!!