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Monday, April 20, 2009


Wow I hate Mondays...the ONLY good thing about Mondays are the contests run by The Gift Closet called Mammalicious Mondays. Go to the above link and try your luck at winning one of her great prizes. Well back to Mondays...since I was a kid in school I have hated Mondays...it has stayed with me through all these years. Most people seem to be in a bad mood, including myself, and bascially I am just waiting on the day to pass until it's NOT Monday anymore. I am lazy on Mondays and don't want to do anything...other than enter the contest at The Gift Closet..my only bright spot of the day. So now its about 9:17PM...I don't have to wait much longer and this day will be long gone until the next Monday comes around.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for playing along this week! :)

    The Gift Closet
